Coming Soon. Discover the heart of Isreal through the hearts of the Israeli family - the women of Itamar. See Israeli life through their eyes and experience.
Special Note: Leah Goldsmith posts regular Torah Thoughts. Click this link to read her posts.
Four Generations!
A big mazal tov to Charlotte Krantz, the mother of Leah Goldsmith who made Aliyah to Israel November 6, 2009. Charlotte is a living example that it is never to late to move to Israel. Interestingly, she moved to Israel right after Parashat Lech Lechah where Abraham at the age of 75 makes Aliyah. (Charlotte recently celebrated her 78th birthday - she should live and be well)
She has been a dear friend of Itamar almost since it was founded 25 years ago and has been a tremendous blessing to our community. We wish her a lot of success and tremendous happiness and good health in her new life in Israel!